If you are wealthy enough, you may before long take off coming from London and feel down in San Francisco one hour later ~ by going into space. That’s the promises of commercial space tourism, which is being offered by simply companies just like Virgin Galactic and SpaceX.
It’s an industry that has been roundly criticized by those who argue it’s going to little more than joy tours for the rich. But these firms believe they will lower launch costs www.ostsee-frei.de/new-technology-for-space-tourism so that even the mass market can one day go into orbit, and maybe even towards the Moon and also other planets.
Designed for the moment, a vacation into space will cost you $250k (£190k), or maybe more if you want to see the Intercontinental Space Train station. But that may change for the reason that the technology is produced.
In the meantime, firms such as Virgin mobile Galactic and Bigelow Visibility are growing ways of sending tourists up into space within an exciting – and comfortable – way. These company, for example, wants to build inflatable space hotels relating to the Moon or other planets that can be rented out by personal customers who wish to spend 2-3 weeks floating around.
Others are offering suborbital travel arrangements, such as a trip to the border of space with viewports that will enable you to spend two several hours watching The planet drift below you. However the main players in this area are likely SpaceX and Amazon owner Jeff Bezos’ Blue Beginning. Both are concentrating on reusable rockets that they trust will slice the cost of entering into orbit and make space travel cheap.